วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Portland cement matter calling mean. High temperature Concretely.

Portland cement material called mean. One compound with the ground powder which when mixed with water according Ratios that fit and leave it for a while it hardens. By humans in ancient times, when I discovered that some rocks to make fire and shattered to pieces And ground thoroughly, then mix them in water for a wicked time. Will yield a solid mass. To shape the Portland cement Today Portland is made from a material that has elements Al or silica clay or laterite, including humus, which is iron mixed together.
10.1 Type of Portland
Portland cement is divided into various types as follows.

10.1.1 Portland Portland (Portland Portland cement).
This type of object was first to the city of Portland. In the UK. Land consists of Portland, limestone (Limestone) and clay (clay) In addition, it is mostly iron oxide (Fe2O3), and colonies do not post (MgCo3) is small. Portland Portland cement common in our house that is commonly used (brand Tiger Elephant Brand cobra) typically gray greenish (greenish gray), and it weighs about 92 lb / ft 3 when the raw material of Cement, which are compounds of oxides of elements. calcium, silicon, aluminum and steel, these substances react chemically together, and gathered in compounds in the clinker. In the form of extremely fine crystal.
Compounds of portland Portland.
The name of the compound. Chemical composition, initial

Tri-calcium silicate 3 CaO. SiO2 C3S.

Dicalcium silicate, 2 CaO. SiO2 C2S.

Tri-calcium aluminate Net 3 CaO. Al2O3 C3A.

State brand calcium aluminate amino Ferenc Wright 4 CaO. Al2O3. Fe2O3 C4AF.

C3S Portland cement to strength quickly within 14 days.

C2S Cement the strength slowly. Heat more often.

C3A Portland reaction cause the heat starts coagulation. The strength soon.

C4AF has slightly less strength added to reduce warming occurring.

Number of compounds in the Portland cement properties, such as change of Portland Portland cement strength to fast or slow Period of the formation and solidification may speed up or slow down. Heat from the reaction between water and Portland may be higher or lower etc.

Types of Portland Portland. The American Society for Materials Testing (ATM.C.150).

(Type IV) and the Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (Am.o.u. 15) Portland Portland divided into five main types of types.

1. Ordinary portland Portland cement (Normal Portland Portland cement) for regular job that does not need special features such as Portland Portland cement Elephant. Branded green serpent. And branded diamond single

2. Portland Cement modified (Modified Portland Portland cement) for use in making Concreteness temperature due to climate, high temperature Concrete edge Or industrial products, heat-resistant and sulfate medium such as a Concreteness dam wall thickness or Concrete pipes are large Cement pillar seal seven-headed serpent.

3. Portland Cement, high early strength. (High-Early-Strength-Portland Portland) or Portland Portland cement. Portland cement is high in the first phase is a powder texture than ordinary portland Portland Concreteness to be useful to have to run faster. Or demolished as a quick pile of Concretely road surface and beams to remove the quick lime, etc. This type of Portland cement, including big brand Erawan Valley. Brand Naga red And three-diamond brand.

4. Portland type Portland, low heat (Low-Heat Portland Cement) can reduce the amount of heat due to a combination of Portland cement with water, which can Reduce the growth and shrinkage of Concretely after coagulation. Most used in the building of a dam. Because the temperature of the Concreteness under different types of work not suitable for structures over Due to slow coagulation.

5. Portland Cement. High sulfate resistant. (Sulfate-Resistant Portland Portland cement) in areas where water or soil with high pH value range of slow coagulation. And actions of the Valley Tong severe effects such as Portland brand shark

There are also other types of Portland cement such as purtland pozzolana Portland is ideal for Concretely buildings in the sea. Silica, a mix of Portland. (Ordinary portland Portland and sand from 25 to 30%), including Tiger brand Portland cement brand Cobra and Eagle Brand. Low-cost hardened me. Do not rely on contractors or contract with a road surface brick pillar cast Concretely pipes pour container. Tile roof and quarters etc.

10.1.2 Cement nature (natural Portland cement).

This type of Portland made of stone mined in the soil, which is similar to Portland Cement mixture is then. By removing the burnt rock. But the fire did not burn a high-heat Portland Cement. When burned, then I grind to dust. This type of Portland, water quality in the same strength. But there are a lot lower than Portland Cement and contains uncertainties. It depends on the properties of the natural stone.

10.1.3 enough Portland left solar Na (pozzolana Portland cement).

Enough Portland cement left, sometimes called solar Na. Lactic Portland cement (slag Portland cement) made with lime and remove waste (slag) from kilns or enough steel left the solar Na, and their natural volcanic rock mixed together. And ground thoroughly. Roman Cement was used in ancient times as a Cement This is not hard as Portland type Portland Portland cement. When mixing mortar or Concreteness to create a good sticky. And harder to break or cause Cement Concretely with Portland Cement. Works well in salt water in and suitable for use in water or in damp, such as foundations and underground water pipes throughout the beyond.

10.1.4 Portland cement Al Nas (aluminous Cement).

Alumina Cement Nas first made in France by removing the said site (bauxite), a mineral that contains aluminum and very expensive, mixed with lime and then burn. Thereafter, the ground thoroughly, as well as to Portland Portland cement. This type of Cement that is fast Mixed with portland Portland Concretely when casting this type and has 24 hours and are equal Tsu cast Concreteness Portland Portland cement Concrete piles 3 months, which may be cast with this type of Cement used to strike. When the cast was only 24 hours only.

This type of Portland cement, when used in a very cold climate, it is by Not prevent a cold, low post portland Portland cement. When taken this type of Portland mixed with water will cause more heat, which is protected. Not with cold hard Concreteness first. Concreteness is mixed with Portland cement, then when frozen (between 4 to 6 hours) must be watered or covered to keep moist until 24 hours to compensate for water evaporation caused by heat, while the Concreteness hardens.

10.1.5 silica Cement (sillica Portland cement).

Silica Cement is Portland Portland cement mixed with sand, which led to lower prices by grinding Portland Cement Posted May Tablets, 70 percent mixed and 30 percent sand, gypsum, mixed with a little down. Britain and other European countries, most Portland is this type are widely used. Domestic fuels rarely used type of Portland cement is usually very It uses less fuel in the production of Portland Cement. Most of the standard silica Cement. The lowest part of the Portland Portland cement mix to 50 percent Cement, silica Cement seal tiger in Thailand is Thai Cement company. Portland cement Brand cobra Portland cement Company Limited Irrigation. Eagle Brand Cement and Siam City Portland Public Company Limited.
10.2 Manufacture of Cement

Portland production with both burning dry (semi - dryprocess) and burn wet (wet process), which processes and overall production will like, but differs in step 2 as shown in the following, which. production processes are as follows.

To burn the dry Portland production process step is to take raw materials and elemental alumina silica elements, which are much in humus With iron, which is a lot of laterite Mixed in proportion. Ground information and the attack on the water as water, soil, and then be burnt in the kiln (Cement kiln) until the chemical reaction binding the granule that is called clinker (clinker), when the Portland cement to the ground. It is combined with gypsum Cement as needed.

