His teacher Lee Allah Matt. Robert Thom was born on Thursday at 21.00 o'clock months Yi RAM 2 horse straight year with a dinner on January 31, 2449 BE is home Ban Nong Song Hong, A. T. Yang Yo images Muangsamsip Ubon. This village has about 80 buildings is divided into three houses am worth a little village. In one village. and so forth one outside the village. The village is located outside this temple. His teacher Lee was born in a village where there is many temples set at home or 3 worth of this pond in the middle third Nong around the village with rubber head up around the tens of trees in the north of the village hill. old houses is deserted temple of the other two appeisd very Labyrinth. Sometimes even the people brought to the shrine. Observe feel that it is perpetrated by the Khmer people built.
Behalf of his former teacher, Mr. Charlie Lee, Nari is the son of Mr. Wong Pao and so forth the equipment on her grorfather, a family unit Nari Chan Marine paint. Her grormother, a Sida. Annan eyes, a grormother named Mrs. Sen Pan good brothers or sisters of the same people all nine men were born 5 females, 4 to 9 days the symptoms could interfere with parents is a big Crying like always. Yom even parents both have broken away from each other for several days. When the fire Yom women 3 days yourself on the head disease patients do not eat not sleep for days. Raising the most difficult. Yom pamnts who could not be party to be desirable.
Later, the age of 11 years and Yom mother passed away. There is also little brother. One was female. Come together to raise the others, they grow to different people. Brought together to make a living, the remaining 2-3 people father's camer took a farm enough about the age of 12 years in learning enough to read and write Thai. Test grade goes, forget it again, but to learn to completely fit at age 17 years to get out of school
Then I thought about the money, but only This occurred during a conflict with Yom male breast often offend. What is Yom want us to make the trade as we do not like to buy pork for sale buying cows to sell and so the time I was waiting to go contrary to merit. The work is always waiting Khedco. Maybe he needs to find merit to not allow. I go back to farm farm waste Some days hurt sat crying alone in the middle field. But that thought in mind, we shall not live in this village. But patience is required to come before the Yom father a new wife, one mother Tip now gradually ease up a bit.
At the age of 18 years set off from home to come to his brother. The work contract is a market Saeng, Saraburi know he did a salary. It is currently under construction of irrigation sluice 11 months enough time to stay with his brother was not satisfied with any reason to be dissatisfied with it because I told him that. I should be up to the building in some isa, he would refuse to go away, we come to seek travel funds. Because that money is the life of the couple. In the meantime, are in prime military age. But they feel that their child is always As a way to convince your friends recommend women have no interest in other females because of the husband so forth think that is the subject of children, not adults.
Past life, then it But imagine the feeling in my heart is that If we have not reached 30 years of age shall not marry one. Second, if money is not stuck in a handful to 500 baht, we shall not be allowed to marry anyone else. " We intend that one person has the ability to raise money, and he has at least three more people, we are willing to involve women. Have also undertaken to address the other one is Eueih. Time as children begin to know innocence. If you've seen pregnant women will deliver nearly causing that feeling of hate and so forth fear. Because the people over there at the birth. Often took the rope tied on beam Handle the delivery end of the rope hanging. Some even sing shout Home twisted neck awry. Sometimes I happened to see the need to cover one's eyes or ears could not sleep because of the hate or fear. About these feelings persist. Since fascinate children.
Later, through 19-20 years of age in the meantime there will be a thought in the mind of merit or sin. But not in the habit of sin. From birth until age 20, has been killing large animals once the dog died. Why kill the dog remembered. One day, sitting and so forth eating the eggs to remove deep into the fire. Dog eggs to come out periodic eaten. Get up to grab the bat dog die on the spot I think the dog died sad enough that we do this by what แugbrp. Therefore we find an old book. Memorize the spell has come Kornydngm temple prayer dedicated to the public mind that dogs are better, but I think that the Nisaiใhco in mind that we wanted to ordain
Fit the age of 20 years, matching the year 2468 Yom mother culture is dead. That day, I went to live with relatives in the district of Bang Len, Nakhon Pathom, enough time to the end of February to go home. Yom ordained Father is recommended. While it has money for about 160 baht to the new home Yom sister, brother-in-law etc., came swarming asked to visit various news. Then apply for loans borrowed money to buy some buffalo buy some rice trade is what allows him the money he needs. Because self-ordained plan to agree 160 U.S. funds with the balance, only 40 Baht
Festival time ordained orbit. Yom father was ordained to complete the arrangement. Has been ordained on the 15th lunar month 6 with friends ordained together on that day included nine body today those who ordained the same day Amrnnprpo to do Lasiukhr some have left the monks is only two body is friends one to yourself when I got ordained Buddhist school prayer and discipline. or check their condition and the other monks in those days, that surely no wai. Because rather than follow Samanakij. To mingle, but a lot more fun than sitting for example, some chess. Play some wrestling parties. Pull head match play with women. (Times am good jobs Huan), some playing, some birds. Cock play together some. Maybe even have my dinner. Talk about my own dinner, which even included in the society so In those days, never mind that the behavior is out 3 times.
Reference to history