Kidneys are vital organs of the body is the size of the fist of the owner looks like red beans on the back and two sides of the body in a horizontal line of the rib below (or yourself, or above the navel) is primarily responsible for polishing filter waste And excess water from blood. It also has important functions in controlling the balance of minerals. And pH in the body. Secrete hormones help regulate blood pressure, hormone secretion stimulates erythropoiesis. And a vitamin Help control the growth if the kidneys do not work. Or work is not enough. Because Ba has been hurt. Or complications to the level of waste And the outstanding amount of water in the body or blood will appear, these symptoms are less urine, frequent urination, urination difficulty than usual. Especially during the night. Blood in the urine. Especially during the night. Blood in the urine. A swelling of the hands and feet. Back pain in male skeletons. High blood pressure. Patients with end-stage renal failure occurred. Are important causes of diabetes. And hypertension. Be treated by dialysis. Replacement surgery or kidney If these two diseases will cause kidney disease caused by moderate Or slow to change.
Preventing kidney disease will be controlled high blood pressure to its normal level. The control of body weight. Exercise regularly. Or engaged in drug control And control blood sugar levels. In patients with diabetes are at a reasonable level consistent reason Another cause renal disease is glomerulonephritis, which causes destruction of kidney filtration units. Some of this disease do not know why. Some genetic. And some have extra cause infection. It also has kidney disease, which occurred stone. Gallbladder disease, kidney disease, infections in chemicals such as lead, mercury, drugs such as painkillers from a drug such as heroin and so symptoms of end stage renal failure patients. Occurs when renal function loss was about 90-95 per cent can be determined by a blood test. Patients with anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, no force could not concentrate amnesia anemia, tiredness, if not treated can be severe to fatal step.