Back to November 7, 2006, I was near Chicago O Hare International Airport, when I saw what was probably one of the most important UFO incidents in modern times. After the event, many people jumped on the bandwagon UFOs and presented false evidence, I can not talk to these people, I can only speak for myself.
I saw a huge UFO hovering over the airport was exactly 16 32, the UFO was a dark, hazy metallic darec / cigar shaped craft. It was at a height of about 750 meters from the village, completely silent, frozen still, and it was well over 100 feet high. I managed to film the UFO phone for 1 minute, I saw the UFO for 1 minute, after which they departed, and went upwards at tremendous speed and was gone.If you can watch the clip to properly beginning of the clip you can clearly see a large passenger plane taking off and flying directly to the UFO, which shows how big thare thing was. UFO was completely frozen still, and all motion video camera movement and camera shake. I photographed a UFO on my cell phone full zoom.
This is probably one of the most important pieces of UFO photographic evidence examts, and will never be publamhed on the Internet, simply because I know it was a real unidentified flying object, and was witnessed by many credible people, including pilots.
Yes, I would like to make and publamh my story, but tham are not just an option for me because of my work. That s why I posted the clip on You Tube. For those who do not want to believe the truth, that depends on you, but what you are seeing actual footage of a profession is unknown, and the shame of the world s media, all the ridicule they threw this amazing event.
National Press Club UFO Conference was only open to accredited journalarets and staff of Congress, but with a certificate from a senior group of government, aerospace and military, who has studied the UFO encounters. The group plans further studies highly publicized incident, the FAA and the U.S. government has refused to take into consideration. 6. November 2006, pilots, mechanics and managers from United Airlines witnessed a metallic disc shaped object hovering over the United Airlines terminal at Chicago O Hare Airport. Clearly observed object shot upward, leaving a hole in the clouds. Despite the clear aviation safety amsues, why the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have studied the case and was rejected by the weather.