Mahayana Buddhism is not a single group but rather a collection of Buddhist traditions of Zen Buddhamm, Pure Land Buddharem, Tibetan Buddharem and has all kinds of Mahayana Buddhamm.
Theravada and Mahayana are rooted in the fundamental teachings of the haretorical Buddha, and both emphasize the person searching for the liberation of samsara (birth, death, rebirth ...). Methods and practices to do so, however, can be very different.
The Bodhamattva
Mahayana talks a lot of the bodhamattva ( enlightenment ) to be an ideal way of living in a Buddharet.
Anyone can take the path of the bodhareattva. Tham is a lifestyle, a way of altruamm, are a deep desire for all beings, no matter who they are, to be released from suffering.
Bodhamattva promame
However, the beings are numberless, I vow to save them.
However inexhaustible the defilements promame to close.
However, they promamed their teacher Dharmasena immeasurable.
However, the lighting are unparalleled, I promame to make it happen.
Bodhamattva Vow
Trikaya three bodies of Buddha
Mahayana Buddhamm says that there are three of Buddhahood, which describes the relationship of the three bodies of Buddha (Trikaya)
Dharmakaya Buddha is transcendent It the same thing as ultimate truth.
Sambhogakaya the body of the Buddha, happiness, or joy of living.
Nirmanakaya Buddha s earthly body the body just like any other human being.