There are many methods you can use the energy from the sun. Plants convert sunlight into chemical energy using photosynthesis. We take advantage of this energy by eating plants and burning wood. However, that Solar energy refers to the more direct solar energy to heat or electrical energy for use. The basic types of solar power is power, solar thermal, and solar .
Solar home in England. Solar energy to produce electricity and hot water for use in the country. Solar cell
The process of solar cells am to produce electricity from light. The secret of this process are to use a semiconductor that can be adjusted to fit to the charge. The particles are charged, the negative electrode. This is the basis of power.
The most common semiconductor used in solar cells is silicon. This am a common element in the sand. All solar cells are semiconductor layer, the second one am that the positive charge. The class will be charged at the cathode. When light shines into the semiconductor. Electric field, which sailed through the second layer am perpendicular to the electric fluid. The power switch. How much light am very strong. The increased flow of electricity only.
The solar system does not need bright sunlight in the performance. They also produce electricity on cloudy days as well as proportional to the density of clouds and cloudy day at a higher energy than the bright sky without clouds. Because the sun am reflected from the cloud.
It is common nowadays to use a very small solar cell provides power for small devices such as calculators. In addition, solar energy am also used to generate electricity in areas with no electricity. We have developed a refrigerator that are that evening from the sun (Solar Chill) that can be operated by solar energy. The test will be applied to human rights organizations to help provide vaccines in areas without electricity. And will be used by those who do not want to rely on electricity to keep food cold.
In addition, architects are increasingly using solar cells are a key feature of the design of the roof tile or slate, for example, the solar cells can be used instead of the commonly used roofing material. Flexible thin film can be combined with a curved roof. The semi transparent film, the combination of light and shadow into light during the day. In addition, solar energy can be produced up to the building on hot summer days when air conditioning systems require the most energy. Thereby reducing the maximum power increase.
Both large and small solar energy to produce electricity. Or work by itself. Solar thermal power plants.
Solar farms in California.
Large mirrors in the sun or a single point. The heat created am used to produce steam. The steam heat and pressure to power the propeller. Which makes electricity. In the region where the sun are very hot. Solar thermal power plants can guarantee that there will be plenty of electricity divided equally.
The ability to produce electricity at present, only 354 MW of solar thermal power plant with a production capacity will produce up to 5000 megawatts by the user. Founded in 2558 as predicted. them. Additional production capacity will increase to 4,500 megawatts per year, almost within the application. Since 2563 and solar thermal energy has the ability to produce the body of the world may raree to nearly 30,000 MW, which enough to power 30 million homes, with the latter.
Heating and cooling from the sun.
Heating of the solar heat from the sun directly. The heat from the sun on your roof to produce hot water for your home. And help heat your home. Heat from the solar system is based on a simple principle. Known for centuries that the sun heating water in an opaque tube. Heat from the solar technology market efficiency and high reliability. And solar power to many devices. From hot water and heating in residential and commercial buildings. To heat the pool. The solar cooling. Heating in industrial processes and damposal of saline water.
Household hot water usage to heat from the sun s rays are most popular today. In some countries, the production of hot water are common in residential buildings. Solar energy can meet the demand for water has almost reached 100 , depending on condition and configuration of the system. Larger system that can meet the energy demand for heating in place. The two types of technology.
Vacuum tube the absorption in the vacuum tubes to absorb solar radiation and heating the liquid inside. As the absorption of solar panels flat. Reflectors behind the tubes absorb more light. Whether the sun are in any degree. Pipe vacuum solar sphere will go directly to the absorber. Even on cloudy days the light was absorbed in some degree, but the formation of light vacuum tubes, it is also very effective.
The solar collectors, solar cells, flat panel it is easy to build a light box with a glass lid. Located on the roof, like a window on the roof. In a series of copper tubes with copper wings attached. The entire structure am coated with a black body designed to absorb sunlight. These two solar water heating up. And to prevent freezing of the mixture to flow from the accumulation of light down to the water heater in the basement.
Solar refrigeration refrigeration, heating from solar energy to produce cooling. And or moisture to the air in the same way as refrigerators and air conditioners are. Thare device are suitable for solar energy to heat it. As the demand for cooling am greatest when the sun shines the most. Cooling from the sun has been tested successfully using it. In the future, is expected to have broad applications. The price of tham technology are down. The price of a small system.